Tap water or city municipal water that we all use on a daily basis to clean dishes, wash clothes, cook food and shower with, is full of contamination. Many cities unfortunately are still using the same equipment that is in dire need of replacement from wear and old age. The financial backing for most state governments just isn’t there to aide in the repair work needed for many cities still using this old and worn out equipment providing our tap water. If that wasn’t bad enough, cities add chemicals to our water supply such as fluoride and also chlorine. The reality of this situation is that our tap water supplies will greatly decline in quality in the years to come. The number one thing we can do to protect ourselves and our families is to treat the contaminants in our city’s water supply and one of the best ways of doing that is by using a reverse osmosis system
Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialists manufacture and specialize in tap water reverse osmosis systems from 500 to 1,000,000 gallons per day.
Operation : |
* Feed water temperature affects how the system performs and produces. All system performance based on 25°C/77°F feed water temperature.
** Antiscalants or pre-treatment may be required to prevent membrane scale and prolong membrane life.
*** Based on a 60% recovery.
**** Operating pressure is determined by feed TDS and temperature.
***** Pre-treatment required for chlorine removal of the feed water to prevent membrane damage.