Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialists specialize in designing media filtration systems for commercial and industrial water purification applications. With years of training, hundreds of systems installed, and vast resources to call upon, we have the knowledge and practical experience to solve virtually any water purification challenge.
Most of our filtration systems are custom designed to address the specific water quality needs as well as the constraints of the location and the available water supply. Often we are called upon to build pre-filtration solutions for ultra-pure water (UPW) that is used for manufacturing or pharmaceutical processes which require much cleaner water than what is supplied by a well or the municipality.
We also supply filtration solutions for “hard-to-solve” situations, such as iron removal and/or arsenic removal. Regardless of the application, you can be sure that with the guidance of our service and support Team you have the ability to provide a well thought-out solution for your water purification needs. Water Treatment Specialists also carries replacement parts for many of the leading valve makers such as Fleck Valves, Clack and Autotrol Control Valves.
Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialists offer a wide variety of filtration solutions, including the following media filtration products: